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Welcome to the
Martial Arts Academies (IMA)

The International Martial Arts Academies is an association founded in 1996 to unite martial arts and martial artists from around the world in the spirit of friendship, knowledge, development and protecting the heritage of the martial arts.

We seek to organise seminars, education and championships in our member countries and and offer certifications of recognition, a martial arts university style learning program and continue the growth and development we have achieved over the last 19 years.


We hope you enjoy vieiwing our website, if you would like to become a member then visit our membership application page.


"United We grow and Develop, Alone We Stagnate and Become Obsolete"

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The International Martial Arts Academies (IMA) was founded in 1996 in Portsmouth, United Kingdom and within the last 20 years has evolved and come full circle back to our original association and martial arts development.

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